Certification Process

  • Introduction
  • Guidelines
  • Pattren
  • Re-checking / Re- issuing
  • Application Procedure

Process of Certification

Fee Structure

For Indian Citizens (in INR)
Sr.No Certification Enrolment Fee Exam Fee Enrolment + Exam Fee GST Total Fee Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory Re-Appear Fee Practical
1 Yoga Protocol Instructor 500 2500 3000 540 3540 2950 1180 2950
2 Yoga Wellness Instructor 1000 3000 4000 720 4720 3540 1298 3540
3 Yoga Teacher & Evaluator 1500 4000 5500 990 6490 4720 1416 4720
4 Yoga Master 2500 5000 7500 1350 8850 5900 1652 5900
5 Yoga Therapist 2000 4500 6500 1170 7670 5310 1652 5310
6 Therapeutic Yoga Consultant 5000 6000 11000 1980 12980 7080 1770 7080
7 Yoga Volunteer 100 400 500 90 590 - - -

For Foreign Citizens (in USD)
Sr.No Certification Enrollment Fee for SAARC Countries (USD $) Enrollment Fee for Developing Countries (USD $) Enrollment Fee for Developed Countries (USD $) Exam Fee GST Total Fee for SAARC Countries (USD $) Total Fee for Developing Countries (USD $) Total Fee for Developed Countries (USD $)
1 Yoga Protocol Instructor 10 25 50 100 18% 129.8 147.5 177
2 Yoga Wellness Instructor 25 50 75 100 18% 147.5 177 206.5
3 Yoga Teacher & Evaluator 35 75 100 100 18% 159.3 206.5 236
4 Yoga Master 50 100 150 100 18% 177 236 295
5 Assistant Yoga Therapist 35 75 100 100 18% 159.3 206.3 236
6 Yoga Therapist 40 80 100 100 18% 165.2 212.4 236
7 Therapeutic Yoga Consultant 100 200 300 100 18% 236 354 472
8 Yoga Volunteer 5 10 10 100 18% 123.9 129.8 129.8

Yoga Protocol Instructor

Head For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee 500
Exam Fee 2750 2750 1100
S. Total 3250 2750 1100
GST @ 18% 585 495 198
Total Fee 3835 3245 1298

Yoga Wellness Instructor

Head For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee 1000
Exam Fee 3750 3750 1500
S. Total 4750 3750 1500
GST @ 18% 855 675 270
Total Fee 5605 4425 1770

Yoga Teacher & Evaluator

Head For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee 1500
Exam Fee 4750 4750 1900
S. Total 6250 4750 1900
GST @ 18% 1125 855 342
Total Fee 7375 5605 2242

Assistant Yoga Therapist

Head For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee 1500
Exam Fee 4750 4750 1900
S. Total 6250 4750 1900
GST @ 18% 1125 855 342
Total Fee 7375 5605 2242

Yoga Therapist

Head For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee 2000
Exam Fee 5250 5250 2100
S. Total 7250 5250 2100
GST @ 18% 1305 945 378
Total Fee 8555 6195 2478

Yoga Master

Head For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee 2500
Exam Fee 5750 5750 2300
S. Total 8250 5750 2300
GST @ 18% 1485 1035 414
Total Fee 9735 6785 2714

Yoga Protocol Instructor

Head For Foreign Citizens (USD)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee $50
Exam Fee $100 $100 $40
S. Total $150 $100 $40
GST @ 18% $27 $18 $7.2
Total Fee $177 $118 $47.20

Yoga Wellness Instructor

Head For Foreign Citizens (USD)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee $75
Exam Fee $100 $100 $40
S. Total $175 $100 $40
GST @ 18% $31.5 $18 $7.2
Total Fee $206.5 $118 $47.2

Yoga Teacher & Evaluator

Head For Foreign Citizens (USD)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee $100
Exam Fee $100 $100 $40
S. Total $200 $100 $40
GST @ 18% $36 $18 $7.2
Total Fee $236 $118 $47.2

Assistant Yoga Therapist

Head For Foreign Citizens (USD)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee $100
Exam Fee $100 $100 $40
S. Total $200 $100 $40
GST @ 18% $36 $18 $7.2
Total Fee $236 $118 $47.2

Yoga Therapist

Head For Foreign Citizens (USD)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee $100
Exam Fee $100 $100 $40
S. Total $200 $100 $40
GST @ 18% $36 $18 $7.2
Total Fee $236 $118 $47.2

Yoga Master

Head For Foreign Citizens (USD)
Regular Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory
Enrolment Fee $150
Exam Fee $100 $100 $40
S. Total $250 $100 $40
GST @ 18% $45 $18 $7.2
Total Fee $295 $118 $47.2

One Step Registration for Exam

After your payment, our team will contact you for date of exam and further process

1 Step 1
Mobile Number
Dateof Exam
I hereby authorize PQMS to contact me through Whatsapp, phone or email

  • Assessment of Yoga Professionals under all the types of certification except Yoga Volunteer will be in two stages – Theory and Practical.
  • Assessment of Yoga professionals appearing for certification under Yoga Volunteer will be based on Training only.

2.1 Theory Exam

  • Number of questions will be equally divided in all units / sub units mentioned in the syllabus.
  • The theory exam will be based on objective type questions and consist of Multiple Choice questions (MCQ).
  • Theory exam paper of Yoga Professionals will be bilingual – English & Hindi. For exams in other languages, the question paper will be in English and other languages of the exam.
  • If error is observed in the question asked in Hindi or other languages, the question asked in English languages shall be considered the correct question.
  • If some error is observed in the question paper, it shall be referred to the PrCB and PrCB shall take a view on it and take required measures and / or decide on grace marks.
  • Theory questions will for 1 mark each. There is no negative mark in the theory examination.
  • The   candidate   has   to   return   both   question   paper   and   OMR   sheet   to   the invigilator/center-in-charge after completing the paper and/or after the examination time in case of offline theory exam.
2.2 Practical / Skill Test
  • For practical, each candidate shall be assessed for not more than one hour. Duration of the practical assessment will however be at the discretion of the assessor to conclude the skill test within the maximum time as mentioned below.
  • Practical test includes Demonstration, Teaching skill, Therapy skill, Evaluation skill, application of knowledge and field Experience as per the category of certification.
  • Yoga professionals shall show their experience in conducting training programs before the examiner. The candidate shall show his/her report along with photographs of the training program conducted by them and     feedback form for experience as trainer. The Yoga professionals shall provide     field experience details in the prescribed format


Name of Certification Max Marks (Theory) Practical Marks Max. Marks (Theory + Practical) Duration (Theory Exam) Passing Marks
Demonstration Teaching skill Evaluation skill Application of Knowledge Field exp. Max. Marks (Practical) Total

Yoga Protocol Instructor

60 80 40 10 10 140 200 2 Hrs. 70% in each (Theory & Practical)
Yoga Wellness Instructor 60 80 40 10 10 140 200
Yoga Teacher and Evaluator 80 60 20 20 10 10 120 200
Assistant Yoga Therapist 60 80 20 30 10 140 200
Therapeutic Yoga Consultant 140 10 10 15 15 10 60 200
Yoga Master 120 15 15 20 20 10 80 200
Yoga Therapist 100 20 20 20 20 20 100 200
  • The candidate has to secure 70% marks in each theory and practical separately to qualify/pass the assessment test. However maximum 5% of grace marks will be given either in theory or practical who can qualify/pass the exam. Percentage of grace marks will be calculated on total marks in each of the theory and practical separately. In case marks are in decimal figure, it shall be rounded off to a higher number.
  • If a  candidate is absent in either theory exam or practical/skill test will be considered as failed.
  • If a candidate is present in theory exam but is unable to attend or does not appear in practical/skill test, he/she has to inform the concerned institution for appearing in the practical / skill test in the next scheduled date & time well in advance with valid reason / unavoidable circumstances. If the candidate is unable to do so he/she will be considered as failed. The assessing institution may consider the request of the candidate in exceptional cases on merit basis.
  • If the candidate secures qualifying marks in a practical test but fails in theory, he/she can reappear in theory exam only once within 3 month from the declaration of result. The candidate shall have to deposit the prescribed exam/assessment fee of the institution for appearing in the theory exam.
  • If the candidate secures qualifying marks in theory but fails in practical, he/she will be considered to fail. The candidate shall apply for certification as a fresh candidate. In such conditions, the candidate shall pay full assessment fee as decided by the concerned institution. They do not have to pay enrollment fee for the particular types of certification. His/her unique enrolment no. shall be valid for life time.


  • If the candidate is not satisfied with the result, he/she can request for re-checking of theory answer sheet (OMR) within 15 days from the date of declaration of result from his/her dashboard. 
  • Re-checking is limited to the calculation of marks.
  • If the candidate is still not satisfied, he/she can request for re-checking of the answer sheet in his / her presence. The concerned agency shall arrange the OMR sheet and question paper in the presence of the examiner on receipt of the prescribed fee.
  • The candidate shall pay the prescribed re-checking fee to the concerned institution for rechecking. Requests for re-checking of the answer sheet will be considered after receiving the requisite fee.
  • In no case, the candidate is allowed to take the question papers/ OMR sheet or its copy along with him/her.
  • PrCB will response within 30 days from the date of request for re-checking.

Validity of Certificate

All the certifications are valid for 5 Years. Validity  of  the  certificate  will  be  counted  from  the  date  of declaration of result.

Sample Certificate

Renewal of Certificate

  • The  candidate,  certified  under  different  types  of  certification,  has  to  appear  in  the Continuing Yoga Education (CYE) program for renewal of his/her certificate.
  • Certified  Yoga  Professionals  shall  have  to  attend  the  CYEP  before  expiry  of  the certificate for its renewal. Refer to CYE program guidelines or Special CYEP (if previous certificate issued by QCI) for appearing


1. Application Form Filling:

  • All Yoga aspirant/professionals who wish to get YCB certificate need to fill application form   online along with requisite information and fee at URL
  • The  applicant  shall,  along  with  the  application,  declare  any  pending  judicial proceedings relating to his conduct and any pending proceedings by any regulatory body. The applicant shall also declare any instances of discomfort /disability caused to any of his/her students in the past.  Application from such an applicant shall not be entertained.
  • Candidate shall declare if he/she has been an applicant or certified under this scheme by any other PrCB and YCB’s recognized Institutions. He/she shall provide details of status of application/certification and period of certification. The PrCB/Institutions may verify the information by contacting the concerned Institutions.

Fee Structure

For Indian Citizens (in INR)
Sr.No Certification Enrolment Fee Exam Fee Enrolment + Exam Fee GST Total Fee Repeated Candidate Fee Re-Appear Fee – Theory Re-Appear Fee Practical
1 Yoga Protocol Instructor 500 2500 3000 540 3540 2950 1180 2950
2 Yoga Wellness Instructor 1000 3000 4000 720 4720 3540 1298 3540
3 Yoga Teacher & Evaluator 1500 4000 5500 990 6490 4720 1416 4720
4 Yoga Master 2500 5000 7500 1350 8850 5900 1652 5900
5 Yoga Therapist 2000 4500 6500 1170 7670 5310 1652 5310
6 Therapeutic Yoga Consultant 5000 6000 11000 1980 12980 7080 1770 7080
7 Yoga Volunteer 100 400 500 90 590 - - -

For Foreign Citizens (in USD)
Sr.No Certification Enrollment Fee for SAARC Countries (USD $) Enrollment Fee for Developing Countries (USD $) Enrollment Fee for Developed Countries (USD $) Exam Fee GST Total Fee for SAARC Countries (USD $) Total Fee for Developing Countries (USD $) Total Fee for Developed Countries (USD $)
1 Yoga Protocol Instructor 10 25 50 100 18% 129.8 147.5 177
2 Yoga Wellness Instructor 25 50 75 100 18% 147.5 177 206.5
3 Yoga Teacher & Evaluator 35 75 100 100 18% 159.3 206.5 236
4 Yoga Master 50 100 150 100 18% 177 236 295
5 Assistant Yoga Therapist 35 75 100 100 18% 159.3 206.3 236
6 Yoga Therapist 40 80 100 100 18% 165.2 212.4 236
7 Therapeutic Yoga Consultant 100 200 300 100 18% 236 354 472
8 Yoga Volunteer 5 10 10 100 18% 123.9 129.8 129.8